VCP-IaaS Study Notes

This collection of blog posts are my ramblings on the not so new VCP-IaaS exam. Taking this exam gives you the VCP-Cloud certification.

There are two ways you can take to get teh VCP-Cloud certification, and I went through both of them in one of my blog posts: VCP-IaaS vs. VC-Cloud: Cloud Exam Faceoff

The main difference between the two is that you can get the VCP-Cloud without having the VCP5. Instead you can take a qualifying course.

More on these here: VCP-Cloud and VCP-IaaS.

The blogs are my personal notes when I was going through the VCP-IaaS blueprint (1.2) and I hope this will help you in your journey towards the VCP-IaaS.

I recently (August 2013) compared the new blueprint (2.4) to 1.2 and there is NO additions of sections or subsections so the information is relevant.

Most of the content was COPIED from the corresponding tools stated at the end of each Section , with minor editorial changes, only changing something when the text didn‘t make sense or I though it needed further explanation.

Even though these Study Notes can be helpful I recommend setting up your own vCloud environment in a lab if you haven’t done so before.

All you need is a 8 GB workstation/laptop and the glorious Autolab. (and lots of ISOs and installation packages, but that should be a problem for most techs)

For other study material Gregg Robertson over at has a great overview of study material to ease your Google-ing.

Also I recommend reading through the vCloud, vShield, Chargeback and Security Hardening Guides before taking the exam.

A recent reader asked me if I could have a PDF with theses notes available, for offline reading, and here it is: VCP-IaaS Study Notes v.1.0

But enough introductions, here are the links to the Notes. Please feel free to comment if you see something erroneous  and I correct it or just feel the need to comment 🙂

 Section 1.

Objective 1.1- Install vCloud components

Objective 1.2 – Configure and Administer vCloud Connector

Objective 1.3 – Configure vCloud Director and vShield Manager System Settings

Section 2 – Administer Users, Roles and Privileges in a vCloud

Objective 2.1 – Create Roles and Apply Privileges to Roles in a vCloud

Objective 2.2 – Configure AD/LDAP Integration in a vCloud

Objective 2.3 – Configure and Administer vShield Edge

Section 3 – Configure and Administer vCenter Chargeback

Objective 3.1 – Configure and Administer vCenter Chargeback Roles and Privileges

Objective 3.2 – Configure and Generate vCenter Chargeback Reports

Objective 3.3 – Configure and Manage vCenter Chargeback Cost Elements

Objective 3.4 – Troubleshoot Common vCenter Chargeback Issues

Section 4 – Configure and Administer vCloud Networking

Objective 4.1 – Create and Administer vCloud External and Organization Networks

Objective 4.2 – Configure and Administer vCloud Network Pools

Objective 4.3 – Configure and Administer vApp Networks

Objective 4.4 – Administer vCloud Network Services

Section 5 – Configure and Administer vCloud Organizations

Objective 5.1 – Create vCloud Organizations

Objective 5.2 – Administer vCloud Organizations

Section 6 – Allocate and Manage vCloud Resources

Objective 6.1 – Create and Administer Provider VDCs

Objective 6.2 – Create and Administer Organization VDCs

Section 7 – Create and Administer vCloud Catalogs

Objective 7.1 – Create vApp Templates, Media and Catalogs

Objective 7.2 – Administer vCloud Catalogs

Section 8 – Monitor a vCloud Implementation

Objective 8.1 – Troubleshoot and Audit Resources and Events in a vCloud

Objective 8.2 – Map vCloud Resources to vSphere Resources

12 Responses to VCP-IaaS Study Notes

  1. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 4.3 « Virtual-Ice

  2. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 4.1 « Virtual-Ice

  3. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 4.4 « Virtual-Ice

  4. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 5.1 « Virtual-Ice

  5. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 6.2 « Virtual-Ice

  6. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 5.2 « Virtual-Ice

  7. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 6.1 « Virtual-Ice

  8. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 7.1 « Virtual-Ice

  9. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 7.2 « Virtual-Ice

  10. Pingback: VCP-IaaS Study Notes: Section 8.1 « Virtual-Ice

  11. I must say: Amazing work!!!! I am using it at the moment to study for my VCP-IaaS exam. Thanks a lot.

  12. Benjamin Tapp says:

    To the amazing individual/s who composed these study notes for the IAAS, I just wanted to express my deep gratitude as they were awesome and well written and really helped with my exam study. You are a champion… thanks heaps for your valuable time and effort.

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